Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that female rats are more susceptible to tumors then the males?

This is something that I've been wondering about for awhile now.

Are female rats more susceptible to tumors then the male rats? And if you spay the female will that reduce her chances of getting a tumor?Is it true that female rats are more susceptible to tumors then the males?
Yes, female rats are far more susceptible to tumors than male rats are. If you spay the female, it has been found that it reduces the instances of tumors. There are a lot of pros and cons to spaying a female with good points on both ends of the spectrum. I suggest heading to which will give you both sides to the story.Is it true that female rats are more susceptible to tumors then the males?
From what I've read, the females are more susceptible to tumors than males because they have the tendency to develop too much mammary tissue. I have also read that spaying them reduces the risk but have also read that it is unwise to because it is too stressful for the rat and supposedly there is a good chance that they may not survive the surgery... I have dealt with my rat having a tumor recently, the people on this forum gave me a lot of support. I highly recommend becoming a member :)

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