Friday, February 12, 2010

What kind of tape is safe to use around rats?

I have pet rats and i let them run loose in my room. I have a radiator that runs around my room. So I block it off with some cardboard boxes (BTW the radiator is never used so don't tell me it's a fire hazard). Anyway Stratus (my rat) already figured out how to get behind it. What kind of tape can I use to seal it that won't hurt her if she chews on it?What kind of tape is safe to use around rats?
I wouldn't reccommend masking tape, but it's pretty much fine depending on their personality. If they're wondefully calm and obedient, use the tape. But if they are very inquisitive and quite destructive (eg, put the cardboard loo roll in there which is destroyed in 10 minutes) then teaching them might be easier. You wouldn't want them eating the stuff, after all.What kind of tape is safe to use around rats?
Masking tape is fine.

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