Friday, February 12, 2010

What type of bedding should I use for my rats?

I use to use carefresh, but my breeder uses shredded aspen. I have been reading reviews on the carefresh, carefresh plus, and shredded aspen beddings. They all have positive and negative hings. I want odor control, absorbent, and for it to be comfy for my little boys. I also do not mind paying a bit more for a good bedding. What would you recomend? Also, it cannot be dusty or pine/cedar because that will give them upperrespiratory inffections.What type of bedding should I use for my rats?
For everybody's information:

Scented bedding is an absolute no-no! Rats get respiratory problems from pine, cedar, perfumes (that's what goes into scented bedding!), incense, cigarette smoke, chemicals... For your rats' health (and to make life easier for your bank account!) you should stick to UNscented bedding. If the smell bothers you, try cleaning the cage a little more often. Every couple of days would be a good idea...What type of bedding should I use for my rats?
I have used aspen and there doesn't seem to many down sides to it, but I have found a new bedding that I love! It is lavender scented and when it says that it calms the animals, they are correct. It is by Kaytee and is called Soft-Sorbent. It comes in rose-scented, lavender-scented, and none-scented. It looks nice, is not dusty, soft, and my three male rats seem to love it.
Personally i woulsnt use aspen for my rats. it could get in the rats eyes or up their noses becuase its thin and pointy. also you occasionally get some dust in there.

I use a paper based cat litter for mine. I find it has no dust in there. This is exactly what i use
Shredded wood does fine here, aspen I belief. Of course my rats have their nest made of fritzle and they sleep mostly in that. But it is overal good bedding, not highly absorbant so just clean the cage regular
Care Fresh because it is not dustie and it is super absorbent. Care fresh will also safer to use because rats can get respiratory problems with pine and ceder

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