Friday, February 12, 2010

How easy are rats to care for and breed?

I can get free meals in a resturant by releasing the surplus ones and then pointing it out to the manager and refuse to pay for the meal. He will be so frightened of the heath inspector that he may even offer me free meals for life as long as I don't say anythingHow easy are rats to care for and breed?
They kind of take care of themselves pretty well.

Are you sure the manager won't say ';I told you our food was fresh, do you want that one in the Singapore friend noodles or the special fried rice?How easy are rats to care for and breed?
gerbils are the best to breed and not hard to takecare of. gerbils are the best choice.
I take it you are Joe King ?
they breed to fast
why would you want to breed rats!!! disgusting, disease ridden, rodents.
Just breed and eat the rats it'll save you washing up to pay for the meal.
Stay away from Alberta we don't have rats here and don't want them.
Rats do need quite a big cage, a hamster one certainly won't do even for a single rat. If you were planning to breed them you would need a very large cage indeed. Rats are very smart, you can teach them to use a litter tray and answer to their name, so you need time to spend with them every day. As for breeding, i wouldn't advise it. Unless you know how to seperate the males and females at 6 weeks of age, you'll end up with dozens(literally) and they are hard to find homes for. Though yes, they will breed very easily indeed!

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