My female rat (3 years old) has a tumour on her side.
It is not attached to her and is free to move around.
Other than having it surgically removed, are there any treatments that will make it go away or at the very least stop it getting bigger?
I am very worried about her and would appreciate some help.
Thankyou.Are there are natural treatments for tumours in rats?
Right now, surgical removal or prevention by spaying are the best ways to deal with tumors in rats. Some people claim that there are some homeopathic treatments for them, but I have never seen any proof that these miracle cures exist.
There is a new drug called Tamoxifen that is helping treat and prevent tumors. It is expensive though.
Check this page out:
Instead of putting their rats through surgery, a lot of people with old rats like yours will leave the tumor alone until it gets so big that it negatively affects the rat's quality of life, and then they have their rat humanely put to sleep.
Good luck.Are there are natural treatments for tumours in rats?
it has to be surgically removed im afraid if its growing-I had a rat with a tumour on his face and it had to be removed- sadly it came back but that may not be the case with yours. your vet will have a better idea if its cancerous of if its safe to leave it.any natural remedies could do more harm than good if you dont know what you are doing
I don't know
I heard chewing tobacco works.
Well theres not much you can do except for surgery which i would suggest because its can get really uncomfy for the rat as it gets bigger. My rats has grown so big she cant jump up anymore to reach her water so i had to lower it. She will have difficulty moving soon and i feel so bad for her. I couldnt get hers removed because it was rapped in with her organs. I would take you ratty to the vet.
Unfortunately there is no cure for cancer. The vet could have a look and see if it is removable but i am positive there is nothing medically that you can do at home.
I am very sorry.
Well, Those Tumors that move around are called Lymphoind Tumors(or something like that) Which pretty much means that it is not harmful to the rat... It is a tumor of fat! Gross but a relieving Truth! I had a rat that got cancer in His tail(He weighed 5 pounds so surgery was an option) But the vet didnt really have any other possiblities than to surgecially remove it or amputate the tail before it spread... He was around 4(Not exactly sure how old he was because some dude dropped him off at my lemonade stand when I was younger while I was in the house!) I decided against both and I just let him live out his life as an old fart of a rat... he died about 2 months later... I wouldnt worry about the tumor though! Maybe call your vet and comfirm what I believe but I dont think its anything harmful!
Wow, rats with cancer? that's a new one
as far as I know it you have to cut it off, that's the guarantee of removing it.
for safer, less-effective methods... honestly i have no idea
tumors are very common in rats. i've heard broccoli may help slow or stop the growth of tumors, but usually once they're there, they're there. if it doesn't impede her movement i wouldn't have it removed. surgery in such a small animal can be risky, and there's a good chance it can grow back. but if it gets big enough that it's effecting her quality of life or is making her sick, then i would see about removal. i have had some rats that have had some very big tumors and were able to live several years without problems.
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