I have two naked rats and they don't fight at all, so I don't understand what's up with the other two.How do I stop my two female rats from fighting each other?
Healthy adult female rats will initially be aggressive with each other. This is normal. However, rats are extremely social creatures that require same sex friendships to be healthy. It is very rare that two female rats, when introduced properly, will not become friends.
To introduce your rats you will have to do some research. The following two pages give the best and most universally accepted information about rat introduction.
The most important thing to do when introducing new rats (as these pages state) is to let them get to know each other and interact in NEUTRAL TERRITORY. This means a place that is not marked by the scent of either rat. Often times a bathtub is ideal. You may also want to mask the scent of the individuals themselves by dabbing a little bit of vanilla extract on them (like rat perfume)! You can build a little rat play area in the tub so that they also have distractions when interacting for the first time.
After they have grown totally accustomed to one another on neutral territory it is best to let them go home permanently together. They should go home to a cage neither has lived in before if possible. If you can’t buy a new cage then take the best cage on hand and “renew” it. Wash it completely (use a diluted vinegar solution to completely erase old smells) and replace all the toys/hammocks/litter boxes/bedding. Since you have another pair of rats one thing you could do is just trade the furniture between cages (after washing it all of course). Make sure that the cage has a ton of interesting toys and treats (as many as you can find!) to distract the rats from each other when they go home.
Remember, you will see a lot of strange behavior from your rats at first (during the bath tub stage), including tale swishing, staring contests and possibly humping. Intervene and separate the rats only if you feel that they are about to become truly physically aggressive. It may take several tries.
I have had success introducing even the most dominant and bitchy alpha rats after their previous cage-mates died. Today they love each other madly.
For an hilarious video showing rats working out their issues (deciding who will be dominant) I recommend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2jEM5aHH…How do I stop my two female rats from fighting each other?
I've had this problem, and no. You need to separate them. You cant make them get along, they are rats. They will just continue to fight, and thats mean to make them stay in the same cage then. All animals have their own personalities, some get along, some unfortunately just don't...
Let one win. They won't fight after that.
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