Friday, February 12, 2010

What do you use for bedding in your rats cage?

I know that pine and cedar bedding is bad for the little guys. I'm currently using ripped up newspapers in both of the rat cages, but they always chew up the stuff I have on the bottom of the cage and put it in their box, when I already put lots in their box and everywhere else in their cage. So the bottom gets dirty very fast, and gets hard to clean.

What is another easy (and cheap) thing I can use for my rats bedding?What do you use for bedding in your rats cage?
Okay, figured I'd give you the run down from what I have used thus far for my own rats:

I have used newspaper which apparently can be harmful so I stopped (some is fine but the regular newspaper delivered to my home was not).

I have used fabric for bedding which smelled the day it went in so I nixed that quickly (though some individuals swear by it)!

I have used Carefresh which my rats were allergic to and Aspen which I was allergic to.

Then I found Yesterday's News for Small Animals. It keeps the smell down, it doesn't hurt their little feet, it isn't toxic, it stays dry, neither my rats nor I am allergic to it (yay!) and I don't need to change it more than once a week. Bingo! The price is right for me when it comes to the bedding as it isn't any more than Carefresh at PetSmart for the amount.

I use Kaytee's bedding with lavender scent for their litter box so that it is a different smell and texture than the bedding so they can tell the difference. I don't like using Kaytee products as I have strong negative feelings towards their food choices for small animals, but I am liking the litter bedding so far.

Hope that was helpful!What do you use for bedding in your rats cage?
theres lots of products at pet stores my favorite brand is Kaytee and its called Total Comfort its really soft and absorbent i found that they do like shredded news paper but it doesnt last long. you can get the litter at walmart for a good price but it might not be the same brand still it works well ive had to use it a time or two.
Use aspen wood shavings, they are safe to use and do not cause respiratory problems like pine and cedar. That's what I use, then you can give them paper or toilet paper to shred and use for bedding. Plus the aspen shavings work well for absorbing odor and urine.
Use carefresh... it is a type of bedding you can get at petsmart... it looks like stuffing, the litlle guys love it! Thye sleep in it! You can also get a type of it at Target, it is fluffy, they love it!
A python.

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