Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How long after birth does it take rats to start mating?

I got baby rats a couple weeks ago and now they are getting a lot bigger. The males balls are growing and i want them to mate and make babies, but I want to know how long it will take.How long after birth does it take rats to start mating?
Males take up to 3 weeks to be ready for breeding. females however can range anywhere between 4-5 weeks after birth.

Momma rats can get pregent again immeditaly after birth.How long after birth does it take rats to start mating?
If you want them to mate, you're screwed. I just read a horrible story about a woman with over 300 rats living in her walls and it broke my heart. If you don't want a LOT of babies (that you most likely can't take care of) fast, then separate your rats by gender %26gt;.%26gt;

Yes, we all want to experience that 'miracle of life,' once, but seriously, for the sake of the rats, don't give them the chance to mate.
ya if all the rats came from the same batch dont breed that is inbreeding and that is wong for the babies i understand that u might acendtly have one here and there get breed but dont do it on purpose i breed hamsters and the gestation period is around 16 to 20 some odd days u take them from the mom at 4 weeks and they can start to breed at 6 to 7 weeks old so separate sex in diff rent cages that is how i do it in the pet store i work in if you have in more questions just ask and u might already have some pregnant females and they can have a lot of babies !!!! regular hamsters ave between 8 and 26+ so they may have more if they are big rats
do you want the parents to mate or babys if babys then wait they can mait but it will cause the female to have a hard time giving birth and also you havn't known them that long so they may not trust you enough to help her giving birth if adults wait for insides to heal see compare them to humans

to young = complications

just gave birth= not fully healed
Are you CRAZY?!?!?!

Do you even KNOW what you're getting into?!?!

If you got the rats from a petstore, DO NOT BREED, because they'll have genetic defects that you'll stupidly pass onto their offspring. If you got the rats from a breeder, DO NOT BREED, because there's a 90% chance that you'd be inbreeding, which is wrong and will produce babies with serious issues. If you got the babies from two different breeders, are the breeders legit? Do you have a REASON to breed?!

People like you are the reason that give rats a bad name, people think that they're vile, disgusting creatures. Why is that? Well, there's 20 rats, all females are pregnant, most are inbred, in a cage that's too small for 3 RATS!!! Therefore, their dung is piling up, their urine is soaking into the bottom and into the dung, and they have dirty waterbottles, and have a lack of food.

Do people THINK before they do stupid things?

-agrees with Demon- she beat me to most of my rant.

If you don't know what the Hell you are doing, DO NOT DO IT. If you're not going to take into consideration that they may be brother and sister, that there are hundreds of rats out there that need ADOPTED, that rats can have litters of up to 22 babies, when they're supposed to be weaned, etc. YOU SHOULD NOT BE BREEDING.

Just because you think it's going to be cute and cuddly is a stupid excuse. If you're breeding to feed a different animal, now that I may understand, except baby rats get big FAST. So you'd better have a pretty large animal.

But seriously. Adopting is a lot easier. There's enough rats out there that need homes. You don't need to contribute to the poor health of rats by randomly breeding two together because you think it'll be a fun experience.

For God's sake, you should have done research before even considering it. People like -you- are the reason we have too many animals that get abandoned on the streets or put down daily.

You don't need to breed any more rodents. Plenty of people already are.

I just had to find a home for 30 baby rats whose moms I RESCUED. 10 of them went as FEEDERS. Meaning they were fed to some animal. 6 of them I fed to MY Pacman frog and STILL had difficulty placing them.

Seriously. Don't be stupid.

Don't irresponsibly breed.
Do a google search. This information takes mere seconds for you to find on your own and is readily available on hundreds of websites. Or, read a book about rat care, every book out there has a chapter on reproduction.
Why on earth would you get a male and female in the same cage if you didn't want them breeding. Anyhow, I've heard male rats getting female rats pregnant as early as 3 weeks old. You're pretty lucky if they aren't already.
No you do not want them to mate, that thing could make up to 15 rats. imagine if you loose one.

and yea it takes up to 2 and half months or less 2 months for them to star mating.
What hedgehogs you after?

i can get 3 different kinds

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