Friday, February 12, 2010

What are rats like as pets in comparison to gerbils?

I currently have 2 gerbilsWhat are rats like as pets in comparison to gerbils?

haha no offense.

They are so lovable!

They are affectionate and intelligent.

They can learn tricks.

Some people think they smell but they really dont!

I own 2!

These are sort of my first rats,

(bought a rat and then 2 weeks later it died :( I was very sad)

But i got new ones and i have had these rats for over a month and i love them!

Dont know how i lived with out them!

They each have there own personallties. Its really cool.

Also they have different tastes (well mine do. there a bit spoiled)

Ya im not a big fan of the tail but you get used to it.

I wanted a pet that wouldnt bite me

(bad expericence with a bunny, lets just say we sold it and i was left with a bloody eye :( Im all better :) )

They pracically never bite.

Sorry i keep going on but i love rats and i want the world to see how nice and sweet they are, not some sewer rats :(

They are very playful, and love when your around.

Im teaching mine right now how to beg, then im going to litter box train them, (well im trying)

There is a lot to them, more than people see.

And you only can see it if you or your friend has one and you hold it and play with it.What are rats like as pets in comparison to gerbils?
Rats are much more intelligent and friendly...they are sort of like little, funny looking dogs...when tame they will follow you about, they will climb up their cage when you are about and ';beg'; for attention, they can learn tricks, learn their names, they will lick your fingers, nose and anything else you let them lick lol, they are adorable, sweet and amazing pets.

Edit: rats dont smell too bad if kept clean, certainly more than gerbils though. They have a urine smell too.
Rats are very smart and respond to their names and can learn tricks. I have 6 females right now and they can stand up on their back legs and spin in a circle on command. They have so much love to give and love to ride on your shoulder. Gerbils tend to not care if you are there or not but your ratties will always want to be with you. the do equire a lot of stimulation and at least on hour out of cage a day. They are great pets!!
once you have ratties, you really don't ever want anything else, they are so interactive with humans its impossible to describe, you have to see it for yourself, mine all trundle out about 7.50 pm and they freerange all downstairs, they don't chew and they certainly don't smell, sawdust and wire shelves and tanks,are old hat - a nice big cage with fancy fleece on the shelves and nice hammocks and beds, certainly looks the part in your living room, and gobsmacks visitors when they realise rats are inside, especially when you shout their names and they all come a running to you, oh and after 12 males and quite a few years I haven't been bitten, if you look after them well %26amp; show them respect %26amp; plenty of fussing, they'll love you, although the way to a rats heart is definately through his fat belly, over the years I have kept many pets, and nothing yet has beaten the rats, do a search for rat cage images, you'll see loads of pics what people have done with their cages they look brill,
Rats are brilliant, mine sits on my shoulder and cleans me lol, she'll stay on my shoulder all day if she was allowed, i have another who sleeps on your shoulder and won't leave, i had another who was huge but he was the biggest softy EVER.

Basically GET A RAT!
Well, first: Rats are more intelligent. I have 3. i also have 4 gerbils and let me tell you, rats are WAY better pets than gerbils! My gerbils bite. A lot! I talked to a lot of other gerbil owners and they told me their gerbils bite too! Rats are way better pets. Hope I helped!
gerbils playon you. rats play WITH you!

rats can be tought tricks!

Make sure you have 2 or more because they are very social and get lonely at night

do some research before you get them though!

they should bve kept in ferret cages or a critter nation or a rat manor
Rats are more interactive. Have you thought about degus? They're the best of both worlds. I love my two, they're really funny and affectionate.
In my opinion rats are better than gerbils (no offense to gerbil lovers) They are more intelligent and loyal and loveable. Umm here's a website on them.鈥?/a>
Agree wholeheartedly we have had rats in the past and they are very intelligent, and love sitting with you.

They can also be taught tricks.
Rats are more friendly, but they smell really badly too and require more space and food etc.

Gerbils sometimes smell a bit like urine, rats smell like pig sh1t.
rats have a way better bond with humans thatn gerbils, rats can crave your attention and even compete for it and can be tame very easily and taught to perform a wide variety of tricks
rats are way better! (my opinion) they are more sociable. once you've gained your rats trust, they are really lovable! x
rats are the best. ive got 2 males and they are so sweet and they do NOT smell of pig crap. mine actually smell like disgestive biscuits
well rats are more Intelligent and inquisitive

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