Sunday, February 7, 2010

Im getting my 2 rats from a breeder 1 hour from my house will the rats get stressed bringing them home?

So i am getting pet rats and the breeder is about 1 hour away.I have to pic up the baby rats at her house.When i bring the baby rats home in the car will they get to stressed?Im getting my 2 rats from a breeder 1 hour from my house will the rats get stressed bringing them home?
Hi again Walter

They probably will get a little stressed, but you can minimize it by bringing some cloth scraps for them to cuddle up in while you bring them home, a few little treats, and those who say not peanut butter are right. Don't ever give rats peanut butter, there is a huge choking risk. Bring some little bits of apple or carrot.

When you get them home, give them a little bit of time to get used to their new home and then start interacting with them to help them get used to you. Be patient! Sometimes ratties are shy at first.

I wish you the best. From your posts it looks like you are really trying your best to give your ratties the best new home possible. Good for you :)Im getting my 2 rats from a breeder 1 hour from my house will the rats get stressed bringing them home?
I've done rat transports from MI to WI, from Maine to WI, and a few others. All have gone well, but the rats do tend to get stressed out.

The one thing to remember when getting new rats is that they need time to get use to their new environment, so you need to put them in their new cage and leave them alone for the rest of the day when you pick them up. Allow them to explore their new surroundings and get use to it.
try and keep them in a dark box or cage and take some of the bedding from the cage at the breeders so they have the same scent with them. At least there are two of them and 1 hour isn't so far away, rats are usually quite hardy creatures and very sociable so they will keep each other company. One other thing is to try and drive slowly so that the ride is less jumpy
they;ll be fine! obviously theyll probably be a bit stressed but thats normal for taking an animal home. i think its probably actually better to have a relatively long journey because they'll get to calm down a bit whereas with a short journey as soon as theyre getting used to being in the box they get pulled out again. dont give them peanut butter btw, someone said that but its dangerous. my rats love peanut butter but they dont get it anymore cuz they can choke on it. if you ever do give them it, mix it with water so its not so thick and sticky.

good luck with your new ratties! rats are the shizzle :D
Yeah they could. Usually what pet stores will do is give them food in their carrying box. That way they will be preoccupied with the food on their way home. I have owned many rodents and this teqnique is fairly practical and common and it's cute hearing them make crunchies noises from inside the box lol.
They will be ok. I've dealt with rodents, cats, dogs, marsupials and snakes (not at once) and they would all be fine for an hour in a car.
I have a cat if you ever need one.
Just make sure you have plenty of peanut butter, cheese, and no traps.
yes,but be careful while doing this

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