Sunday, February 7, 2010

How can I get rid of rats that come into our home?

I fear they are breeding under the floor boards. I'm reluctant to use poisonous pellets because we have a cat and a dog.How can I get rid of rats that come into our home?
Try Primrose - they sell electronic repellents. I have some of them and they appear to work. I've also heard from other people how well sonic repellers can work!鈥?/a>How can I get rid of rats that come into our home?
is there anywhere you can put the poison where your pets couldn't get it by the rats could? Under something low, perhaps? There's also the trap option, but I'd worry about paws or noses getting stuck in one. When we had rats recently, one of them overdosed on aspirin. Aspirin actually works pretty much the same as rat poison. Perhaps you could break one of those up into quarters and place them around under things so that a small dose wouldn't harm your pets but would harm the rats? Unless your pets would eat absolutely anything, I doubt they'd find aspirin particularly delicious anyway.
uh oh!

someone's in trouble

call the pest control and check with them if they can do something

Good Luck yo!!!

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