Friday, February 5, 2010

I live in the city. What is the best way to keep rats from digging under my fence to get to my patio?

The patio faces a back alley which also is in back of restaurants, attracting many of the rats. My fence is solid up top, but there are gaps near the ground. I heard that burying barbed wire might work and I thought about burying bricks as well. But I am open to other suggestions. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.I live in the city. What is the best way to keep rats from digging under my fence to get to my patio?
There are 2 types of rats: Wharf Rats (aka the Norway Rat) and Roof Rats. Wharf Rats are large and burrow/tunnel. Roof Rats are long and lean and travel in trees as well as tunnel. Both are nocturnal.

Unless you know you're only dealing with one breed, protect your home from both. Wire screening stapled to the fence and buried even a few inches will discourage tunneling. More importantly trim all trees that overhang or touch your home. Most importantly seal any and all holes to your crawlspace, basement and attic.

Remember, these guys can just climb the fence if they want in your yard, so keep clutter to a minimum (hiding places for them), protect the house!!! and be careful if you decide to use poison bait outdoors, a tamperproof box is a must.I live in the city. What is the best way to keep rats from digging under my fence to get to my patio?
squeakity squeakin sqeakers...... eh.....huh....
a big cat and a dog
Try this stuff it really does work...
Get a cat, and don't feed it.

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