Sunday, February 7, 2010

What should I do if rats are stuck in my python?

I don't know what to do. My ball python hasn't eaten in over 4 months. When I went to the vet, an x-ray showed that there were 2 rats still in him. I kinda got the feeling that my vet didn't know what to do. He told me to try to get him to drink oil. I can't find any herp vets in my area. What should I do about my poor python?What should I do if rats are stuck in my python?
Check around to see if there are any Exotic Vets either in or around your area. They dont have to necessarily be a Herp vet. It's actually rare to find a Vet that specialized specifically in JUST reptiles and Amphibians.

The Exotic Vet are the vets that will treat the more unusual pets that people get such as snakes, turtles, rats, guinea pigs, iguannas, stuff like that.

With the fact that you fed your snake 2 rats, rather than one will definately pose a problem. In general, it takes a snake atleast 2-4 weeks to fully digest a single item. Commonly, the larger the snake, the larger the prey...thus, the longer it takes to digest something. Take large pythons, or boas for example...the ones that live in the wild....I have seen on Animal Planet where these huge 300lb+ snakes will go and eat a deer, or whatnot, and then not have to feed again for atleast 6-8 weeks...

Depending on how big your snake is, and how big the rats were, I would give it atleast another week. Wait and see if the snake actually passes it through its fecal matter.

Keep an eye on the snake though. Watch for signs of it becoming lethargic, or dehydrated. I would definately call around and try to find an Exotic Vet somewhere within an hours drive from where you live. Snakes can actually die from something being stuck in their system, and rotting, thus, literally poisoning their bodies from not being able to pass the item, and a back up being produced thats not being able to properly be expelled.

Hope that helps you out.What should I do if rats are stuck in my python?
i would check the heat. usual first problem with slowed digestion is not enough heat. if its normal, i wouldnt be to concerned, and give it another couple of weeks and get an x ray done again. if its still there, thats when i would go to see a non-domestic vet.
he is still dijesting them. give him time and nature will take its course. And in the future, feed him 1 rat instead of 2
He is probably not getting enough warmth to digest the food.
I'd find a second opinion. does'nt even sound right.
Give it a tablespoon of Pepto Bismol..
snakes stomach acids are very strong seen a snake regurgitate a frog after an hour and the frog was just about melted

you are talking about months

if food is bad the snake regurgitates to get rid of it ,and it has not done so

see somebody that knows his snakes

this does not sound very normal.

dont over feed animals that digest slowly like reptiles

and drink oil where does a snake find oil in the wild ,better try milk lots of snakes love milk
I would have to agree with the person above. There is no way 2 rats are still in a snake that hasn't eaten for 4 months. They would have either digested, rotted or been regurgitated by now.

Did your vet show you the xrays? I would be more inclined to think that your snake ingested something that it should not have. A towel or something similar perhaps. Your vet sounds totally clueless so you should call around to every vet you can find listed in the area and see who deals with snakes. Just because it isn't listed as a herp vet doesn't mean there isn't one around there. Also, maybe try posting on and asking if anyone on there knows of a vet in your area. Someone there may be able to give you some more advice as well.

I would not use the oil until you get a second opinion. Making it go to the bathroom is not going to help with something that isn't or can't be digested.

Hope that helps and Good Luck!
perform a gastro stomach intervien bypass
Rats dont get stuck in pythons or snakes it means it is still being digested
Your vet had a good point about getting it to drink oil. but i recommed you use a small about of cod liver oil in water. and use a syringe to squirt in the mouth of your ball python. Good luck
if you are saying your snake hasnt eaten in 4 months and there is still a item in your snake that resembles a rat something is truly wrong it doesnt take that long to digest, if it took that long the rat would spoil and the snake would regurgitate. i would definitely see a different vet even if its not a herp specialist, i had to see 3 different vets in my area till i found one i was confident could help my reptiles. yes its true a snake can go along time without eating buts its not because they have slow metabolism....they are cold blooded so they dont use energy heating their body like us, so they use less food for heating and all of it to sustain their organs etc.

best of luck to you and your snake

and yes mineral oil is ok for snakes to ingest and might help i have never had mine drink it i just add it to bath water occasionally to help with shedding occasionally
Lots of good answers on the board so far but I will try to explain a little bit in detail for you.

First of all, If a snake can get it past his/her mouth they can digest it so the rats aren't stuck.

Second, Do two things, first turn up the heat and moisture in the enclosure for about a week or so. Second, Give him a nice warm bath. Either in the bathtub with 85-90 degree water in it or put the warmed up water in a large Rubbermaid tote and set it under the heat lamp in his enclosure and put him in it. That really helps with digestion.

IF, and this is a capital and strong IF you ever had to you can force the snake to 'toss up' its meal. I have seen people do it but I wouldn't think it is good on the snake. I would not give it any oil or anything like that. A snake cannot 'pass' a rat until it has fully digested it. Snakes digest everything but the hair and trying to force the rat out via medications and other remedies is a bad idea and detrimental to the snake.

This is exactly how snakes go 6-22 months without food, they reserve what they have and use very little through lowering their metabolism.
let him soak in ur tub in warm water. my four are guarenteend to go in warm water
I agree with the last answer. He/she may have slowed is metabolism down for some reason. Is it any cooler in the cage then normal? As for oil, I never heard of such a thing. I'd look for a reptile breeder in your area, and establish a relationship with him/her to ask vet questions to... This vet doesn't know his snakes! If you need a few names of breeders, contact me! Good Luck!
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